Art, science, and data
Joanna Sleigh’s project “We all have data shadows” was awarded to be one of the five “Art&Data Beloved Projects” of "HER: She loves S Lorenzo 2018” a festival dedicated to art and data and data culture.
Join the discussion about the ethics of genetically edited humans
The Cyborg Days
The Health Ethics and Policy Lab at ETH Zurich and the Institute for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of Zurich (UZH) and are pleased to announce The Cyborg Days! This 3-day workshop is jointly funded by the Graduate Campus (GRC), the Digital Society Initiative (DSI), and co-sponsored by the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS).
New publication: Machine learning in medicine: Ethical challenges and how to move forward by Effy Vayena, Alessandro Blasimme, I. Glenn Cohen
Machine learning in medicine is accelerating at an incredible rate, bringing a new era of ethical and regulatory challenges to the clinic. In a new paper published in PLOS Medicine, Effy Vayena, Alessandro Blasimme, and I. Glenn Cohen spell out these ethical challenges and offer suggestions for how Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), medical practitioners, and developers can ethically deploy machine learning in medicine (MLm).
Dr. Alessandro Blasimme appointed Fellow of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council
Dr. Alessandro Blasimme was recently appointed Fellow of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Human Enhancement and Longevity